The Power of Positivity | Good Thoughts | Feel Good Blog Post | TicTalkToe

The Power of Positivity | Good Thoughts | Feel Good Blog Post | TicTalkToe

Hello everyone out there! Blogging here after six months, hoping you have not forgotten me by now! TicTalkToe reminded me that my last post on my blog was six months ago. All I had to do was pen down my thoughts consistently. But all I did was procrastinate! Only to realise that this was a never-ending cycle!

And what’s my excuse for this infrequency? An active toddler? Work from home? None of it, actually. So, here I am, back to where I belong! 

And what better than to pen down few pointers that have always kept me going through the darkest times. They have pulled me through, and thank God that I survived. Penning them down here for all those who need to hear this right now.

  • Self-care is not selfish: Take out time for yourself!
  • Accept it, everything might not work as per your plans. Always have a backup plan ready in place, so that if things start falling apart, you still have something to keep you going.
  • Spend wisely, save for unforeseen circumstances: Specially Covid taught this important lesson to a lot of us. 
  • However remember, it is okay to indulge once in a while. One life, right? Keep saving for that one major thing that you have wanted for a long time.
  • Love yourself. You cannot pour out of an empty cup.
  • Learn to move on. Let go of things that bother you. Stay away from people who drain you out mentally.
  • Your vibe attracts your tribe. Be mindful of who you let into your circle.
  • Make new friends, but keep in touch with old ones. As the Bengali proverb goes “Purono chaal bhaat e baare
  • Indulge in a hobby. Read. Travel. Cook. Meditate. Sew. Do things that make you happy.
  • Live in your present. Going through bitter tales of our past only indicates that you have not been able to move on yet!
  • Practice gratitude. Using simple terms such as “thank you, I am sorry, I do not understand” simplifies things in our life.

  And to all my blog readers, who are going through difficult times, remember….this too shall pass!

On days that I don’t feel own self, these thoughts keep me going. How many of the above could you resonate to? Do leave your thoughts in the comments below.

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