What’s in a name! | Nayantara

What’s in a name! | Nayantara

Exactly two months ago, I met my Nayantara. We had decided on this name for a baby girl unanimously, while the names that we came up for a baby boy was met with a lot of disagreements. Many of you wanted to know the story behind naming my little one. Hence, I decided to come up with a separate post for it. That way, this will be documented as long as the domain for my blog is renewed 🙂

As you might have already guessed by now, I am a little old-fashioned when it comes to names. As much as I respect keeping up with times, I also realise that a name is something which you will be carrying throughout your life. I was opposed to the idea of naming my little one a combination of my husband’s name with mine (think of Abhinandita or Sanjit). Neither did I want his/her name to start with A or S (our initials).

Coming back to the name Nayantara, it loosely translates to “aankhon ka tara” (in Hindi) or apple of one’s eyes/beloved. However, this name had more to it. Nayantara/Periwinkle/Sadabahar is a commonly found flower. What sets it apart from others is its ability to grow under any circumstances. You would find it on hilltops, plateaus, tropical climate. In between cracked walls, water pipes, a neglected corner of your terrace. It does not care where it is, but simply grows on its own.

A mere sight of it, and you will realise how simple things can be beautiful. It cares not for the world. It does not require too much of maintenance. It rejoices in the sea, rain, or the indifferent soil. That little dash of pink/mauve is enough to melt the harshest heart. It spreads happiness. What more, it is a flower that is often offered to God for worship. Periwinkle also represents serenity and calmness. Few varieties of this flower is also used to treat various ailments, including cancer (this one I googled and found out). 

Sadabahar means “always in bloom”. I was also told that this flower symbolises hope, love, faithfulness, trust and affection. These beautiful blossoms are often given to someone who has suffered a loss in an act of comfort or support. It’s also customary for people planning a wedding to include a periwinkle on their bouquet for luck when they tie the knot.

I want my Nayantara to live up to her name. To be happy go lucky! To not care about her surroundings and spread happiness. I want my girl to possess all the qualities of his simple flower. (We adults are already so demanding, right?)

It was only after I named my little one Nayantara that I realised, so many of you grow this plant at home. My inbox was flooded with photos of the Nayantara flower from my friends. It made me really happy. We are yet to grow one, though we are growing a tiny human being called “Nayantara”. 

My Nayantara – hope you like your first gift from Baba Maa – your name and live with it. 

Have a tale to share of how you named your little one? Do share it with us in the comments below. Would love to read it.

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